Anna Prokhorov (Year 6) has been announced as a finalist for her movie “ Green Infrastructure - The Solution to Coastal Erosion ” which demonstrates how planting and looking after beach plants can assist in preventing erosion. Anna will attend the Eureka Awards night on 23 August where she will be presented with her prize of either first, second or third in all of Australia for this competition.
This competition awards eight films Highly Commended and we are excited to announce that three of these awardees are PLC Sydney students. The girls are to be congratulated for their outstanding commitment, attention to detail and effort.
Charlotte Miller (Year 6) for her film titled “ A Little Green Stowaway ” which informs viewers of the problem of chytrid fungus for frogs.
Ruby Waples (Year 3) for her film titled “ Green Catasrophe ” which shows us the importance of sharks in ecosystems and why we need to protect them from being killed.
Kaelyn Chik (Year 3) for her film titled “ Why Don’t Kids Eat Their Greens ” which explains scientific reasons why children avoid eating vegetables and how we can encourage them to do so.
Congratulation girls - we are very proud of you.